A fantastic combined Sewing and Embroidery machine with large 130mm x 180mm (5in x 7in) embroidery area with. Brother Sewing Machines and Brother sewing machines, parts and accessories. Lot No 578 Brother Super Galaxie 2100 Condition of Sale:-We are not Service Agents for this make of machine and do not have the appropriate equipment to carry out a Pre-Delivery Service. Brother super galaxie 2100 - Sewing Brother Innovis 900 embroidery sewing machine: Metro Sewing Centres where prices and quality go hand in hand: Plus receive a Bonus GutermannThread Album holding 80. This Brother Super Galaxie 2100 sewing machine Instruction manual available to purchase. BROTHER Super Galaxie 2100 Sewing Find great deals on for BROTHER Super Galaxie 2100 Sewing Machine Embroidery.
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Brother super galaxie 2100
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Brother Super Galaxie 2100 Sewing
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